The Aqua-Glo Series III Water Detector Kit is used to measure the
amount of undissolved water in kerosene-type jet fuels.
It can be
used on other fuels by following special procedures in the section
t i t l e d,
Other Fluids.
A measured sample of fuel is passed through a sodium fluorescein
treated detector pad or test pad.
Undissolved (free) water in the
fuel will react with the sodium fluorescein.
When the pad is sub-
sequently illuminated by ultraviolet light, the coating previously
contacted by free water will fluoresce a bright yellow with the
brightness increasing for increasing amounts of free water in the
The ultraviolet light-illuminated pad is compared to a known
standard using a photocell comparator, and the free water in the
fuel sample is read out in parts per million by volume.
By varying
the fuel sample size, the range of the test method can be increased.
The usual range of test readings covers from 1 to 60 ppm of free
The primary method that is covered by this document is based on
ASTM D3240-75.
A copy can be obtained by writing to American Society
for Testing and Materials, 1916 Race St., Philadelphia, PA. 19103.
The following procedure is applicable for dynamic line samples only;
t h a t i s ,
taking the fuel sample directly from the fuel system and
through the test pad without exposing the sample to the atmosphere
or to a sample container.
The use of sample containers such as
bottles or cans for the temporary storage of the sample will result
in large errors and is not recommended.
The amount of free water in a sample is very sensitive to the temper-
ature of the sample.
The use of sample containers such as bottles or
cans can result in large errors due to changes in sample temperature
adsorption of water on container walls, etc.
If there is absolutely no alternative and a test must be performed on
a fuel sample that is in a container, the procedure in the section
Container Samples can be used.