TM 55-1930-209-14&P-16Table C-1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for Ventilation, Heating andAir Conditioning System (Continued)B - BeforeD - DailyQ - QuarterlyD - DuringW - WeeklyS - SemiannuallyA - AfterM - MonthlyA - AnnuallyPROCEDURESINTERVALCHECK FOR AND HAVEEQUIPMENTITEMITEM TO BEREPAIRED OR ADJUSTEDIS NOT READY/NO.BDADWMQSAINSPECTEDAS NECESSARYAVAILABLE IFllc.Check for rust, corrosion, and worn orchipped paint Remove by wire brushing.chipping or scraping. Immediately paintcleaned area with zinc chromate paintand finish to match surrounding area Inaccordance with TB 43- 0144WARNINGAlways make sure that electrical power isOFF before performing any maintenanceon electrical systems. Red tag appro-priate switches and circuit breakerswith: "WARNING DO NOTACTIVATE. REPAIRS BEING MADE."Observe all safety precautions listed atthe beginning of this manual.2llAir Ductsa. Make sure that air ducts are free ofAir ductsobstructions, dents, and other damageobstructedor damagedlllb. Check for rust, corrosion, and worn orchipped paint. Remove by wire brushing,chipping, or scraping. Immediately paintcleaned area with zinc chromate paint andfinish to match surrounding area inaccordance with TB 43-0144 Do notpaint threads or Check for loose or missing fasteners andsecurements Tighten or replace as neces-sary.3Fans and Motors WARNINGAlways make sure that electrical poweris OFF before performing any maint-enance on electrical systems.Redtag appropriate switches andcircuit breakers with: "WARNINGDO NOT ACTIVATE. REPAIRS BEINGMADE." Observe all safety precautionsIisted at the beginning of this manual.llla. Visually inspect fans and motors for dam- Fans orage.motorsdamaged.lllb. Check fan blades for sufficient clearanceFan blades and cleanlinessdo nothavelllc. Check that electrical connections are tight. sufficientTighten or repair as necessary usingclearance.insulated toolsC-4
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