INSTALLATIONINSTRUCTIONSFORMODELMBC8&MBC9BATTERYCHARGERS(Continued)TABLE1-LOWERCHASSISTERMINALSTRIPWIRING(Cont’d)TERMINALMINIMUMWIRESIZE(COPPER)DESIGNATIONDK1, DK2 -#24 AWGCrank Disconnect Relay Input Terminals--Connect to a source of DC voltage equivalent tothe Charger nominal DC voltage rating, when battery issupplying high current loads such as engine cranking or switchgear operation to prevent overloading the Charger. Coilresistance--800 ohms on 12 volt Chargers and 3,200 ohms on24 volt units.TABLE2BATTERYMINIMUMWIRESIZES(COPPERWIRE)CHARGERWITHOUTREMOTESENSE WITHREMOTESENSERated D.C.Max Wire Min WireTotal LoopMin WireTotal LoopCurrentRunLengthSizeDropSizeDrop10 FT16 AWG 0.2V16 AWG0.2V2½ AMP 25 FT16 AWG0.5V16 AWG0.5V50 FT14 AWG 0.6V16 AWG1.OV10 FT16 AWG 0.4V16 AWG0.4V5 AMP 25 FT14 AWG0.6V14 AWG0.6V50 FT12 AWG 0.8V14 AWG1.2V10 FT12 AWG 0.3V1'2 AWG0.3V10 AMP25 FT12 AWG0.8V12 AWG0.8V50 FT8 AWG0.6V10 AWG1.OV10 FT10AWG0.4VIOAWG0.4V20 AMP25 FT8 AWG0o6V10 AWG1.OV50 FT6 AWG0.8V8 AWG1.2VNote that while the wire size shown for the AC wiring is based on wire current carrying capacity ('ampacity'), the wire sizesshown for the battery wiring are based on wiring resistance. In addition, splices or junctions in the wiring path must be lowin resistance.Runs may be two of the next smaller even wire size, e.g. two #12 AWG wires may be used in place of a #10 AWG wire,etc. Aluminum wire NOTrecommended.MBC8/9(1 0000)-32-
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