TM 10-4610215-10
TM 08580A-10/1
Canvas Covers
2. Cross Braces
3. R.O. Pressure Vessels
4. R.O. Pump
5. Control Panel
6. Ground Rod
7. Control Box
8. Generator Set
9. Junction Box
be visible.
Figure 19. Control Panel Side Of ROWPU
Illustration denotes Army Model No. 6001, MC Models are skid- mounted with
no generator.
Fig, 19 identifies the following parts:
CANVAS COVERS (1). Protect unit from weather. Rolled up and strapped during normal
CROSS BRACES (2). Give strength to ROWPU frame during shipment. Can be removed to get at
R.O. PRESSURE VESSELS (3). Four vessels which house eight reverse osmosis elements that
reduce total dissolved solids from filtered water to produce drinking water.
R.O. PUMP (4). Applies high pressure to raw filtered water in R.O. vessels.
CONTROL PANEL (5). Panel with meters, switches, valves, and hose connections.
GROUND ROD (6). Driven into ground and attached to ROWPU to keep operators from getting
electric shocks from power source or static electricity.
CONTROL BOX (7). Panel with switches to control all pumping and panel lighting.
GENERATOR SET (8). (Army) Provides electricity needed to operate ROWPU.
JUNCTION BOX (9). Contains circuit breakers, overload heaters, motor starters, etc.
After you remove the equipment shown in fig. 110, 111, and 112, the inside of the ROWPU will
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