TM 10-4610-215-24
TM 08580A-24/2
(8) Remove terminal blocks from junction box assembly in accordance with paragraph 2-62.
(9) Remove cable clamps and internal wiring harnesses in accordance with paragraph 2-65.
(10) Remove receptacles for generator, control panel, R.O. pump, backwash pump, distribution pump, and
two raw water pumps in accordance with paragraph 260.
(11) Remove power receptacle (J7) in accordance with paragraph 2-61.
(12) Remove two nuts (1), (figure 2-62), two lockwashers (2), and two flat washers (3) from grounding stud
(13) Remove wire lugs (4) and separating flat washers (5) from grounding stud (8).
(14) Remove nut (6) and flat washer (7) from grounding stud (8).
(15) Remove grounding stud (8) from junction box assembly.
(16) Remove cable grip nut (1) from four cable grips (2). (Refer to figure 2-63.)
(17) Remove four cable grips (2) and cables from junction box assembly.
(18) Remove nine nuts (3) and nine lockwashers (4) from bolts (5) that secure junction box assembly (9) to
top beam.
(19) Remove nine bolts (5) from junction box assembly (9) and beam.
(20) Support junction box assembly and remove three nuts (6) and three lockwashers (7) from bolts (8)
securing junction box assembly to diagonal frame member.
(21) Remove three bolts (8) from diagonal and junction box assembly (9).
(22) Remove junction box assembly (9) from frame.
c. Cleaning.
(1) Remove dirt and dust from inside junction box.
(2) Wash junction box inside and outside with mild soapy water using a stiff brush.
(3) Prepare for repainting, if needed.
(4) Clean bolt and stud threads.
d. Inspection.
(1) Check junction box for dents, cracks, or broken welds.
(2) Check mounting hardware for bent bolt shanks, rust, and damaged threads.
(3) Before reinstalling, check junction box assembly components for damage.
e. Repair or Replace.
Replace all damaged nuts, bolts, screws, and washers.
Replace damaged or worn electrical wires.
Dents and scratches may be reworked and removed.
Cracks and broken welds may be rewelded.
Replace badly damaged circuit breaker plate or junction box assembly.
Repaint, as needed, in accordance with Standard Operating Procedures.