TM 10-4610-215-24
TM 08580A-24/2
c. Cleaning.
(1) Clean dirt or rust from ROWPU floor that may have collected behind belt shroud.
(2) Prepare for painting, if needed.
(3) Clean dirt and corrosion from screen frame of belt guard and belt shroud.
(4) Prepare for painting, if necessary.
(5) Clean dirt and corrosion from bolts, screws, and washers.
d. Inspection.
(1) Inspect hardware for damage or corrosion.
(2) Inspect tack welds which hold screen on belt shroud and guard frames. Mark loose or missing welds
for repair.
(3) Inspect belt shroud and guard for dents.
e. Repair or Replace.
(1) Tack weld any places where screen has come loose from belt shroud or guard frame.
(2) Hammer out small dents in frame or screen.
(3) Spot paint where needed.
(4) Replace damaged nuts, bolts, screws, and washers.
(5) Replace damaged or unrepairable belt guard or belt shroud.
(6) Send unrepairable belt guard and/or belt shroud to Direct Support Maintenance.
f. Installation. (Figure 2-90)
(1) Position belt shroud (6) on ROWPU frame.
(2) Install six bolts (4), six lockwashers (5), and two clamps (7) through belt shroud (6) and ROWPU
The two bolts across the front of the belt shroud also secure
clamps for vent lines.
(3) Install belt guard (3) to shroud (6) with four screws (1) and four lockwashers (2).
2-76. R.O. PUMP BELTS.
a. General. The five R.O. pump belts transmit power from the R.O. pump motor to the R.O. pump. This
paragraph describes removal, inspection, and replacement of the R.O. pump belts.
b. Removal. (Figure 2-91)
(1) Remove R.O. pump belt shroud in accordance with paragraph 2-75.
(2) Remove power cable clamps (1) from motor base plate.
(3) Loosen, but do not remove, four bolts (2) holding motor mounting plate to R.O. pump assembly stand.
(4) Loosen locknut (3) on adjustment bolt (4).
(5) Turn adjustment bolt counterclockwise. This will move the R.O. pump motor toward the R.O. pump.
Continue turning until belts are loose and then remove five belts (5) from the sheave.