b. Removal. If necessary, remove multimedia filter gage assembly in accordance with paragraph 2-68.
c. Inspection.
(1) Inspect exterior coatings and case metal for signs of corrosion resulting from spray of water containing
salts and other chemicals.
(2) Inspect for watertight integrity.
(3) Inspect connections to pressure system, particularly threaded connections, machined sockets, and
flared ends.
d. Cleaning.
(1) Clean pipe connector threads.
(2) Clean gage crystal.
e. Pressure Test. Make a pressure test using a suitable means of producing adequate and accurate pressure.
f. Accuracy Test.
(1) Test gage for accuracy before and after pressure test to determine whether there has been any
distortion in the bourdon tube that could affect gage registration.
(2) Make the test for accuracy of the gage registration by placing the gage in a test fixture.
(3) Apply zero, full-scale, and midscale pressures and check gage registration.
(4) If gage registration conforms to step (3) above, return gage to service.
g. Repair or Replace.
(1) Reseal crystal into case, if loose.
(2) Conduct a corrosion control program when coating shows signs of pitting in the form of deep cavities
of small diameter (either localized or over large areas), peeling of the case coatings, cracks, abrasions, or
chemical deter-oration where dissimilar metals meet (particularly where gage metal meets mounting hardware or
(3) Tighten loose connections to pressure system.
(4) Replace damaged, unrepairable, or unserviceable gage assembly.
(5) Send unusable multimedia fitter gage assembly to next higher level of maintenance for disposition.
TM 10-4610-215-24
TM 08580A-24/2