TM 10-4610-215-24
TM 08580A-24/2
f. Reassembly.
Contact with dry ice or objects that have been packed in dry ice
can cause severe bums. Always wear proper protective gloves
when using dry ice.
(1) Pack two main bearings (37) (figure 4-1) in dry ice for about 20 minutes.
(2) Place main bearings (37) into proper position in power frame (38) and secure with setscrews (36).
(3) Press new bushing (35) into connecting rod (32).
If a new bushing does not fit tightly into connecting rod, replace
the connecting rod.
(4) Ream the bushing after pressing it into the connecting rod until it fits wrist pin (33) snugly but does not
(5) Place crossheads (34) onto connecting rods (32). Be sure the oil hole in bushing area of connecting
rod is toward the oil groove in the crosshead.
(6) Press wrist pins (33) into crossheads (34) and connecting rods (32).
(7) Install connecting rods (32) into power frame (38) being certain that oil groove on crosshead is at the
New replacement bearings are sealed. If a hydraulic press is
available, install bearing cones and bearing cups using steps (8)
and (9) and then goon to step (14). Otherwise, skip to step (10).
(8) Press two bearing cones (31) onto position on crankshaft (30).
(9) Press two bearing cups (24) and (29) into bearing housing (21) and (26).
(10) Heat bearing cones (31) in hot oil at 300°F (150°C) for 20 minutes.
(11 ) Place bearing cones (31) onto crankshaft (30) and drive into position using pipe sleeve and hammer.
(12) Pack bearing cups (24) and (29) in dry ice for 20 minutes.
(13) Drop bearing cups into bearing housings (21 ) and (26) and let stand until they return to room
(14) Check bearing cups for slippage or rotation in bearing housing. If there is slippage or rotation, replace
bearing housing.
(15) Install new oil seals (23) and (28) into bearing housings (21) and (26).
(16) Using a new 1/64-inch (0.4 mm) shim gasket, install shim gasket (22) and bearing housing (21) onto
power frame (38). Secure with two capscrews (20) finger tight.
(17) Install extension guard (19) onto bearing housing (21) and secure with three capscrews (18) finger
(18) Torque capscrews (18) and (20) in a cross pattern to (195) ft-lbs (259 cm-kgs).
(19) Install crankshaft (30) into power frame (38).
(20) Install new shim gasket (27) and bearing housing (26) on power frame (38). Secure with five
capscrews (25) finger tight.
(21) Torque capscrews (25) in a cross pattern to (195) ft-lbs (259 cm-kgs).
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