TM 10-4610-232-12
Initial Hypochlorite Set-Up (Figure 2-46).
Wear protective face shield and chemical gloves when handling calcium hypochlorite.
Hypochlorite will give off chlorine vapor which will burn your nose, throat and lungs if
inhaled directly. Keep head away from the top of the tank while filling it. See a medic if
fumes are inhaled. Make certain vent fan is running.
Hypochlorite chemical packets and containers are identified by a circle symbol.
Figure 2-46. Initial Hypochlorite Set-Up
Damage will occur to the hypochlorite backwash pump if the suction strainer is clogged.
Check the suction trainer located inside of tank to make sure it is not clogged. Fill tank with product water, using the
product utility hose.
Set speed control knob (3) to 80 and record.
Set stroke control knob (4) to 100 and record.
Pull out and hold priming knobs (5) only until water is seen in discharge tubing to drain.
Turn MIXER switch (1) on.
Pouring the contents of the hypochlorite packet all at once into the tank can cause powder
to clump together and clog the suction strainer.
· Add one packet of hypochlorite for each 6 gallons of water.
· Leave mixer on during operation with hypochlorite.
In a marked pail filled with product water, add three packets of hypochlorite powder and mix for 3 minutes. Slowly
pour mixed solution into hypochlorite tank, leaving behind the undissolved crystals. This will prevent clogging the
suction strainer.
Reset stroke and speed controls on the hypochlorite pump according to operating conditions as shown on Table 2-22
and record. These settings will provide chlorination to the Surgeon General's requirements.
2 ppm
2 ppm
2-82 Change 12