TM 10-4610-232-12
The polyelectrolyte and sequestrant systems do not need to be flushed. However, these
tanks should be drained prior to moving the ROWPU, or if the shutdown will exceed 24
Air purge.
Open product shut-off valve (15).
Disconnect the flush/purge hose (8) from water flush adapter (7).
Connect flush/purge hose to the utility air connection (16).
Connect flush/purge hose to hypochlorite quick-disconnect (17).
Partially open hose valve (18) and dry out chemical tubing for 2 minutes, then close hose valve. Disconnect
flush/purge hose. During the two minutes, crack open the Backwash Hypochlorite Pump Vent valve (19) until all the
water is out.
Close product shut-off valve (15).
Secure Equipment
Open all drain valves, Table 2-15, EXCEPT THOSE AT THE RO VESSELS. Turn MAIN circuit breaker (7, Figure 2-52) to
OFF and secure generator. Drain distribution system when appropriate.
DO NOT hold jog switch in the ON position for more than 10 seconds or severe damage to
equipment will occur. (MODEL ROWPU-1 ONLY)
Open all high pressure pump drain valves. (Model ROWPU-1 Only).
Drain any remaining water from the HIGH PRESSURE PUMP by pushing in the jog switch (22) toggle up for not more
than 10 seconds (Model ROWPU-1 Only).
When operating near or below 32° F (0° C) follow instructions in para. 2-31.
If moving, follow instructions in para. 2-28.
The generator should not be used for prolonged periods to provide power to the utility and
lighting circuits during secured shutdown. Use a separate power source if power is needed.
The generator may be used to power the distribution pump as needed.
2-100 Change 12