TM 10-4610-232-12
Set-up to clean.
Fill the clean/flush tank with potable water to the 100 gallon level using the procedures of para. 2-25 b(3).
Remove auxiliary hose (1) from overflow hose (14).
Fully close system pressure control valve (3).
Connect the clean return hose (4) to the clean/flush tank overflow hose (14).
Open the clean return valve (5).
Use caution when using citric acid. Failure to do so could result in severe burns. Always
wear chemical gloves, apron, and face shield. If citric acid comes in contact with skin or
clothes, wash off immediately. If citric acid comes in contact with eyes, wash eyes
immediately with clean water from eye wash station.
Make certain level of water in clean/flush tank is below chemical port. If level is above
chemical port, open tank drain valve until level is below chemical port.
Establish Circulation (Figure 2-60).
Pouring citric acid into the clean/flush tank too fast will cause the booster pump to clog up
with citric acid.
Check valve positions.
· Clean return valve open.
· System pressure control valve fully closed.
Press BOOSTER PUMP START (8). Hold pushbutton in until feed pressure low light goes off.
Wait until pressure on the cartridge filter pressure gage is at least 50 psig (345 kPa) before
Using the color comparator kit, perform a pH test on the water in the clean/flush tank by drawing a sample from the
clean/flush tank fill hose or the media filter outlet sample valve (Model WTA-060 only).
Keep face away from clean/flush tank port. Chemical fumes may irritate eyes.
The pH of the water circulating through the RO vessels must never drop below 3.5 ppm or
elements may be damaged. If water circulating through the elements drops below 3.5 ppm,
stop circulation immediately and perform a preliminary flush or return to normal operation.
After establishing a known pH, remove chemical port cover (11) from clean/flush tank and add citric acid as needed
until pH of the water circulating through the elements is as close to, but not below 3.5 ppm, as possible.
Continue taking the pH test every 5 minutes, adding citric acid as needed and until pH is as close to 3.5 ppm as
Record the amount of citric acid added to the clean/flush tank each time and the temperature, ensuring not to exceed
10F (43C).
Once pH is adjusted, install chemical port cover (11) and secure with wing nut.
Circulate for 1 hour. Press HIGH PRESSURE PUMP STOP (12). After 1 minute press BOOSTER PUMP STOP
Change 12 2-117