TM 10-4610-232-12
Table 4-2. Unit Troubleshooting Guide (Continued)
Step 3. Shutdown the ROWPU. Shut down the generator. Check continuity, point-to-point, from P21A to
J23A, P21B to J23B, P21C to J23C, and P21 D to J23D. Check each lead for shorts between phases
and shorts to the ground wire. The reading should be infinity for each check.
(a) Replace any cable or connector that shows open during continuity checks (para. 4-27).
(b) Replace an cable or connector that shows a short between phases or a short to ground
(para. 4-27).
Step 4. Tag and disconnect motor leads (T1, T2, T3). Set multimeter to Ohms x 1000scale and connect test
leads between each motor lead and the motor frame. Readings should be infinity for each step.
Replace pump/motor assembly if the meter reading is zero (para. 4-43).
Step 5. Set multimeter to Ohms x 1 scale and check for continuity between all pairs of motor leads, T1 and
T2, T1 and T3, T2 and T3. Readings should be zero or near zero for each step.
Replace pump/motor assentdy if reading is infinity (para. 4-43).
Step 6. Check motor cable for continuity on each lead and for shorts between phases and ground.
(a) Replace the cable if open or shorted (para. 4-43).
(b) Notify direct support maintenance if above checks have not found the problem.
5. Booster pump does not run in SYSTEM BACKWASH position (Reference Schematic Diagram FO-1, Sheet
6, schematic fines 627-628).
Step 1. Check that booster pump runs in SYSTEM NORMAL by setting the control panel up for normal op-
eration and starting the raw water pump and then the booster pump.
(a) If the booster pump does not run, refer to booster pump won't run in "SYSTEM NORMAL"
troubleshooting (malfunction 1).
(b) Notify direct support maintenance.
6. Booster pump does not start in SYSTEM CLEAN (Reference Schematic Diagram FO-1, Sheet 6, schematic
lines 628-629).
Check that booster pump runs in SYSTEM NORMAL by setting the control panel up for normal operation and
starting the raw water pump and then the booster pump.
(a) If the booster pump does not run, refer to booster pump wont run in SYSTEM NOR-
MAL" troubleshooting (malfunction 1).
(b) Notify direct support maintenance.
7. Booster pump starts in SYSTEM CLEAN but wont stay running.
Notify direct support maintenance.
8. Booster pump won't start in the SYSTEM STANDBY mode (Reference Schematic Diagram FO-1, Sheet 6,
schematic line 629).
Step 1. Check if the pump runs in SYSTEM NORMAL.
(a) Refer to that problem troubleshooting if it does not operate correctly (malfunction 1).
(b) Notify direct support maintenance.
9. Booster pump runs but pilot light does not work. Light tests okay (Reference Schematic Diagram FO-1, Sheet
6, schematic line 629).
Notify direct support maintenance.
Electrical high voltage can cause serious injury or death. Some tests performed in
troubleshooting require power to be connected. Always take proper measures to en-
sure personal safety.
Change 1 4-63