TM 10-4610-232-12
Contained in a special 8 x 8 x 20 ft (2.4 x 2.4 x 6.1 m) ISO (International Standards Organization) container with skid
mounted external components.
The ROWPU can be shipped by military aircraft.
The ROWPU is mounted on a standard 30 ft (9.5 m) M871 military trailer so it can be moved to where it is needed.
The ROWPU is powered by a 60 KW utility diesel generator.
Capabilities and Features.
The ROWPU can supply 60,000 gallons daily from fresh waters or brackish waters 75F (24C) and over. Less water is
produced from colder water sources.
The ROWPU can supply 40,000 gallons daily from sea water 75F (24C) and over.
The ROWPU can supply 60,000 gallons daily from NBC contaminated fresh waters 75F (24C) and over.
The ROWPU produces potable water to long term consumption standards of purity.
It can handle raw water turbidity to 150 NTU.
On an NBC decontamination mission, raw water containing up to 10 ppm CW agent, or one million microorganism
colonies per 100 ml, or 100,000 pC/I (picoCuries per liter) radioactivity can all be made potable.
Raw water can be taken from wells, lakes, seas, lagoons, rivers, or through an ice hole. The raw water pump can lift
water about 15 feet (4.5 m) and discharge up to a height of 30 feet (9 m) at 110 gpm (416 lpm).
The winter kit allows the unit to be operated at a water point where air temperatures are between -25 and 32°F (-32 and
0°C) and water temperatures are above 32°F (0C).
The ROWPU is set up and operated by a 3 person crew (one of whom is an NCO). Operation is semi-automatic.
1-10. LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION OF MAJOR COMPONENTS. The ROWPU is made up of three main systems as shown in
Figure 1-2. The major components of each system are described in the following paragraphs.
The electrical power source for operation of the ROWPU is provided by a 60 KW utility
Diesel Generator. See TM 5-6115-545-12 for information about the generator. If equipped
with tactical quiet generator, see TM 9-6115-645-10.
Raw Water Intake System (Figure 1-3). The Raw Water Intake System supplies feed water to the ROWPU and consists of the
following major components.
Intake Strainer. A floating intake strainer holds the raw water intake hose off the bottom of the water source and screens
out leaves, sticks, fish, and other large objects. It is connected by sections of rigid suction hose to the raw water pump. A
non-floating strainer (part of winterization kit) is used for ice hole operation.
Anchor. Used to deploy the intake strainer and hold it in place.
Raw Water Pump. Draws water through the intake strainer and discharges the water to the cyclone separators. A hand
priming pump is used to assist initial prime to the water pump.
Cyclone Separators. Remove sand and heavy dirt by centrifugal water flow action. Raw water discharge hose sections
deliver the water from separators to the water purification system at the feed water booster pump inlet.
Priming Assist Pump. This hand operated pump is used to help draw water up to the raw water pump. It is disconnected
from raw water pump after priming is completed.
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