TM 10-4610-232-12
a. Metallic air tube fittings (Figure 4-26, View A).
(1) Install nuts (1) and compression fittings (3) on tubing (2) with tapered end of toward fittings.
Compression fittings will tighten on tubing when nuts are tightened.
(2) Install assembled nuts (1), tubing (2) and compression fittings (3) on air fitting components by pushing tubing
into fitting while leaving nuts loose on tubing.
Do not overtighten nuts, otherwise fittings may be damaged.
(3) Install new wire ties and secure tubing to wall and ceiling attachment points (para. 4-10).
(4) Tighten nuts (1).
(5) Perform inspection as described above in paragraph a.
b. Butterfly valve actuator tube fittings (Figure 4-26, View B).
If butterfly valve actuator fitting (4) is leaking at the point marked Push Here in
Figure 4-26, remove tubing (4) from fitting and cut off about 1/4 inch of the tubing.
Remove any burrs on fitting (5). Reinsert the tubing in fitting (4) making sure that it
enters straight into the fitting (5) without being strained to the side.
(1) Install tubing (4).
(2) Install new wire ties and secure tubing to wall and ceiling attachment points (para. 4-10).
(3) Perform inspection as described above in paragraph a.
c. Plastic air tube fitting (Figure 4-26, View C).
Install nut (6), grab ring (10), spacer (9) and preformed packing (8) on tubing (7).
Install assembled item into adapter. Tighten nut (6).
Install new wire ties and secure tubing to walls and ceiling attachment points (para. 4-10).
Perform inspection as described above in paragraph a.