TM 10-4610-232-12
b. Fill the bore of fitting (66) with silicone sealant.
c. Install sealing ring (67) on fitting (66) and install items (64 thru 67) in the tank as an assembly, with wires (68)
protruding through the bottom of the tank.
d. Install nut (63) over wires (68) and install seal ring (62) on body (61). Tighten nut (63) securely to prevent leaks.
Install body (61) into the bore of fitting (66).
Proceed with step e only if new switch or new shrink wrap tubing on wires is being
installed. Otherwise, proceed to step f.
e. Install new shrink tubing (69) on wires (68) as follows:
(1) Slide wires (68) through a new piece of shrink tubing (69). Make sure the new tubing is long enough to reach
the junction box and that the wires stick out at least ten inches from the end of the tubing.
(2) Push the shrink tubing (69) on the wires until one end of it goes into body (61).
(3) Apply heat with the heat gun and shrink the tubing (69) onto wires (68).
f. Slide bushing (60), retainer (59), and nut (58) over wires (68) and screw nut (58) onto body (61).
g. Reassemble inlet strainer, primer fitting (44), tubes (42 and 45) and elbow (46) with tube nuts (39 and 40) and
ferrules (41), elbow (53), nipple (54), bushing (55), fitting (56) and seal ring (57) and install in tank (73) as a unit.
h. Install nut (52) to secure the assembly in place, Tighten securely to prevent leaks. Install elbow (51).
i. Install nipple (50), elbow (49), nipple (48) and drain valve (47).
j. Reassemble fitting (38), bushing (37), fitting (36) and gasket (35) and secure in position on cover (28) with nut (34).
k. Install nipple (33), elbow (32), quick disconnect (31), dust cover (29) and gasket (30) on cover (28).
l. Install cover (28) and secure with screws (24), washers (25), nuts (26) and washers (27).
The polyelectrolyte plate is triangular and the sequestrant plate is rectangular.
Secure with screws, nuts and washers.
m. Install the appropriate nameplate (23) (polyelectrolyte or sequestrant).
n. Install knob(19) and secure with capscrew (17) and washer (18).
o. Place cover(16) on tank (73) and secure two hinges(15) to covers (16 and 28) using eight screws, nuts (13)
and washers (14).
Refer to Figure 4-64, sheet 1 and place the subassembled tank on the mounting bracket.
Install bracket (11) and secure with capscrew (6), flat washer (7), nut (8), Iockwasher (9) and flatwasher (10).
Refer to para. 4-32 and connect the wires to JB3.
Install new tie wraps (5) (para, 4-10).
Install tubes (3 and 2).