TM 10-4610-232-34
b. Remove four screws (3) and Iockwashers (4) and remove fan shroud (5).
c. Loosen two capscrews (6), Iockwashers (7) and nuts (8) which secure fan (9) to motor shaft. Remove fan from
motor shaft.
d. Remove key (1 O).
e. Remove four nuts(1 1 ) and through bolts(1 2) and remove fan end housing (1 3). Lightly tap housing with hammer,
if necessary.
f. Spring washer(14) should come off with housing (1 3). Be careful not to lose spring washer.
g. Using a suitable puller, remove bearing (1 5).
h. Remove drive end housing(16) and rotor(17) as an assembly.
i. Remove three screws (18) and Iockwashers (1 9), and remove drive end housing (16) and horseshoe-shaped
backing ring (20).
j. Bend tab of lock ring (21) and using a spanner type wrench, remove retaining nut (22).
k. Using a suitable puller, remove bearing (23).
Electrical high voltage can cause serious injury or death. Some tests require power to
be connected. Always take proper measures to ensure personal safety.
Place rotor in growler and test for shorts and open connections.
a. If either bearing(15 or 23) is replaced, replace both bearings to prevent early failure. Refer to TM 9-214 for bearing
b. Replace any damaged parts.
a. Install bearing (23) and bearing(15) on respective ends of rotor shaft. Use a brass drift to seat bearing (1 5).
b. Place lock ring (21) with internal tab in keyway on rotor shaft and install retaining nut (22). Tighten retaining nut
(22) snugly against lock ring (21)and then back off one tab on lock ring (21) and bend a tab on lock ring (21 ) in to the slot
provided on retaining nut (22) to ensure the nut does not loosen in service.
c. Reinstall subassembled rotor shaft front end in housing (1 6), install horseshoe-shaped ring (20) and secure with
three screws (18) and Iockwashers (1 9).
d. Install subassembled rotor shaft(17) and drive end housing(16) in stator housing (24).
e. Install spring washer (14) in fan end housing (13) and install fan end housing (13) in stator housing (24) and
bearing (15). Secure with through bolts(12) and nuts (11 ).
f. Install key (1 0).
g. Install fan(9) on motor shaft and tighten two capscrews(6), washers(7) and nuts(8) to secure the fan to the shaft.
h. Install fan shroud (5) to fan housing(13) with four screws (3) and Iockwashers (4),
i. Install ring (2) and tighten two setscrews (1 ).