TM 10-4610-232-34
Sequestrant A chemical used to prevent scale from building up in the reverse osmosis elements.
Silica - A hard glossy sandy material found in turbulent water sources
Sodium bisulfite A chemical compound used for sanitized cleaning of the ROWPU to prevent bacterial growth
within the reverse osmosis elements during long-term, secured shutdown. Sodium bisulfite is mixed with
Surges Sudden, momentary increases in pressure.
Suspended solids Particles of dirt and organics in water which do not rapidly settle out. These cause the water
to appear dark or cloudy.
Total biological count A measure of biological contaminants.
Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) The measure of the total dissolved solids (salts) in water measured in ppm or mg/l.
Turbidity Mud and other suspended solids found in the raw water which cause the water to appear cloudy.
Waste See brine.
Glossary-5/(Glossary-6 blank)