TM 10-4610-240-24
TM 0850C-24/2
TO 40W4-13-22
c. Insert crossheads (23) in power frame (13).
To install bearing cones, use an arbor press or heat cones to 300 F at inner race.
d. Install bearing cones (14 and 32) on crankshaft (31) and position crankshaft in power frame (13).
e. Install bearing cups (15 and 33) in power frame (13).
f. Install seal (34) on end cap (36), tapping seal lightly with a soft mallet.
g. Install bearings (24), bearing caps (25) and screws (26). Torque screws to 20 lbs ft.
Shims are provided in thicknesses of 0.005, 0.007 and 0.020 in. For best results a 0.005 and a
0.020 in shim should be installed to provide a starting point for initial measurement. Some
shims may need to be removed, or additional shims added to obtain correct shaft end play.
h. Install two shims (16 and 35), end caps (17 and 36) and screws (18 and 37)). Check/adjust end play as follows:
(1) Install a dial gage as indicated.
(2) Push crankshaft (31) all the way to one side and zero dial gage.
(3) Push crankshaft (31) to other side and note end play on dial gage.
(4) If necessary add or remove shims (16 and 35) for correct end play of 0.001 to 0.003 in.
When shimming is correct, connecting rods and pin bearings of connecting rod should be
positioned near the center of the crosshead openings and should not touch the inside of the
crosshead openings.
(5) Check if connecting rod pin bearings and/or connecting rods (27) touch the inside of their crosshead (23)
(6) As necessary, transfer shims (16 or 35) from one side to the other to ensure that pin bearings are
positioned properly and do not touch inside of crosshead openings.
(7) When adjustment is complete, torque screws (18 and 37) to 20 lbs ft.