GENERAL. The water to be purified enters the condenser at the water inlet. As the water flows around the outside of the
condenser tubes, it becomes preheated almost to boiling. The preheated water leaves the condenser through the
discharge tube and is fed into the constant level device. The constant level device maintains a constant water level in the
evaporator. The excess hot water (which may be used elsewhere as plain hot water) flows to drain. In the evaporator the
water is converted into steam which passes up through the vapor pipe to the condenser tubes where it is cooled to form
distilled water.
By reducing the flow of water so that a little steam escapes through the condenser vent, high efficiency is assured,
entrance of air becomes impossible, and any trace of gases cannot redissolve in the hot dlstillate but leaves with the wisp
of steam. The vent also makes the system an open system so that no pressure can build up within
the stiIl.
INITIAL STARTUP. The first time that the still is started, or after cleaning, operate the still as follows:
NOTE: During the procedures listed below, check all connections for leaks and tighten as required.
Close the drain valve.