1. General
Section II lists the accessories, tools, and publications required for maintenance and operation by the
operator, initially issued with, or authorized for the water distributor. Section III lists the maintenance and
operating supplies required for initial operation.
2. Explanation of Columns Contained in Section II
a. Source Codes. The information provided in each column is as follows:
(1) Materiel. This column lists the basic materiel code number of the supply service assigned responsibility
for the part. Blank spaces denote supply responsibility of the preparing agency. General Engineer supply parts
are identified by the letters GE in parentheses, following the nomenclature in the description column. Other
basic materiel code numbers are--
10-Quartermaster Materiel
12-Adjutant General
(2) Source. The selection status and source of supply for each part are indicated by one of the following
code symbols:
(a) P-applied to high-mortality repair parts which are stocked in or supplied from the supply service depot
system, and authorized for use at indicated maintenance level.
(b) P1-applied to repair parts which are low-mortality parts, stocked in
or supplied from supply service depots, and authorized for installation at indicated maintenance level.
(c) X2-applied to repair parts which are not stocked. The indicated maintenance level requiring such
repair parts will attempt to obtain them through cannibalization; if not obtainable through cannibalization, such
repair parts will be requisitioned with supporting justification through normal supply channels.
(3) Maintenance. The lowest maintenance level authorized to use, stock, install, or manufacture the part is
indicated by the following code symbol: O--Organizational Maintenance
(4) Recoverability. If no code is shown in the recoverability column the part is considered expendable.
b. Federal Stock Number. The Federal stock number will be shown in this column, and will be used for
requisitioning purposes.
c. Description.
(1) The item name and a brief description of the part are shown.
(2) A five-digit Federal supply code for manufacturers and/or other supply services is shown in
parentheses followed by the manufacturer's part number. This number will be used for requisitioning purposes
when no Federal stock number is indicated in the Federal stock number column. Example: (08645) 86543.
(3) The letters GE, shown in parentheses immediately following the description, indicates General
Engineer supply responsibility for the part.
d. Unit of Issue. If no abbreviation is shown in this column, the unit of issue is "each".
e. Quantity Authorized. This column lists the quantities of repair parts, accessories, tools, or publications
authorized for issue to the equipment operator or crew as required.
AGO 6871A