TM 5-4610-218-12
4-22. Slurry Feeder Drive Chain, Chain Guard
feeder slip clutch.
and Chain Tightener.
c. Disassembly. Refer to figure 4-16 and disas-
a. General. The slurry feeder drive chain is lo-
sembly the slurry feeder slip clutch.
cated between the slurry feeder speed reducer and
slurry feeder assembly and transmits the motion de-
d. Clean, Inspect and Repair.
livered to the speed reducer to the agitator within
(1) Clean all parts with dry cleaning solvent
the slurry feeder assembly. The drive chain is pro-
P-D-680 and dry thoroughly.
tected by a metal chain guard that has two openings
for access to the slip clutch lubrication fitting and
chain tightener lubrication fittings. The chain
tightener assembly is located near the center of the
slurry feeder frame and allows the tension of the
Never use fuel oil, kerosene, or other
drive chain to be adjusted.
fluids that will leave an oily film on
b. Removal.
(2) Inspect all parts for cracks, breaks and
(1) Remove the slurry feeder drive chain
(3) Replace or repair all defective parts.
chain and chain tightener.
e. Reassembly. Refer to figure 4-16 and reas-
semble the slurry feeder slip clutch.
c. Disassembly. Refer to figure 4-14 and disas-
semble the chain tightener.
the slurry feeder slip clutch.
d. Clean, Inspect and Replace.
(1) Clean all parts with dry cleaning solvent
the slip clutch and install the slurry feeder drive
P-D-680 dry thoroughly.
(2) Inspect the guard for cracks, breaks and
dents, repair cracks and breaks by welding. Repair
4-24. Diatomite Dilution Tank Assembly.
dents with a soft hammer. Repaint if necessary. Re-
place the chain guard if beyond repair.
a. General. The diatomite dilution tank is made
of aluminum and welded watertight. It is mounted
(3) Inspect the chain for cracks, broken or
to brackets on the slurry feeder. The diatomite dilu-
worn links and rollers. Replace a damaged chain.
tion tank provides storage for diatomite slurry to
(4) Inspect the chain tightener for cracks,
supply the suction line of the filter pump.
breaks, wear, and damaged threads. Replace all
damaged or defective parts.
diatomite dilution tank.
(5) Replace an unserviceable chain tightener.
c. Disassembly. Refer to figure 4-19 and disas-
e. Reassembly. Refer to figure 4-14 and reas-
semble the dilution tank.
semble the chain tightener.
d. Clean, Inspect and Repair.
(1) Clean all parts in dry cleaning solvent P-
the chain tightener, chain, and chain guard.
D-680 and dry thoroughly.
(2) Inspect the float for leaks.
4-23. Slurry Feeder Slip Clutch.
(3) Inspect the needle valve seat for wear
a. General. The slip clutch assembly is located
where it rests on the float valve seat.
on the drive end of the slurry feeder agitator shaft.
It protects the drive components from damage if an
(4) Inspect the gasket for wear and deterio-
overload is applied to the agitator shaft.
b. Removal.
(5) Inspect all fittings for cracks, breaks and
damaged threads.
(1) Remove the slurry feeder drive chain
(6) Inspect the tank for cracks and breaks, re-
place an unserviceable tank.