TM 5-4610-218-12
if it will move freely and turn the plug inside the
valve body.
Dry cleaning solvent, P-D-680, used to
(3) Repair or replace all damaged or defective
clean parts, is potentially dangerous.
Avoid repeated and prolonged
e. Reassembly. Refer to figure 4-70 and
breathing of the vapors and skin con-
semble the plug valve.
tact with the liquid. Do not use near
f. Installation.
open flame or excessive heate. Use in
a well-ventilated area. The flash-point
of P-D-680 is 100-138 F (28-59 C).
ent plug valve.
4-63. Influent and Effluent Plug Valves.
ent plug valve.
a. General. The influent and effluent plug
4-64. Adjustable Flow Controller Valve in Fil-
valves are in the filter section. One is located above
tered Water Line.
the flow controller valve in the filtered water line,
and one between the filter pump and filter in the co-
a. General. The flow controller valve is located
agulated water line. The effluent plug valve located
in the effluent or filtered water line. The water line
in the filtered water line is a three-way, three-port
is painted green. The function of the flow controller
valve. It directs the flow of water to the storage
valve is to regulate the flow of water through the
tanks or recirculates the water through the wet
filter. There is a knob on the flow controller with a
well for refiltering, depending on how the valve
dial marked O to 25 gpm. The flow can be regulated
handles are positioned. The influent plug valve, lo-
by setting the pointer on the knob to point to the de-
cated in the coagulated water line, is a three-way,
sired flow.
two-port valve. It directs the flow of water to the in-
fluent section of the filter or to the wash ring of the
adjustable flow controller valve.
filter housing, depending on the position of the
c. Clean, Inspect and Replace.
valve handles.
(1) Clean the flow controller valve with dry
b. Removal.
cleaning solvent P-D-680 and dry thoroughly.
(2) Inspect the flow controller for cracks and
ent plug valve.
(3) Inspect the threaded parts for damaged
ent plug valve.
c. Disassembly. Refer to figure 4-70 and
(4) Replace a defective flow controller.
semble the plug valve.
d. Clean, Inspect and Repair.
the adjustable flow controller valve.
(1) Clean the plug valve with dry cleaning sol-
vent P-D-680.
(2) Inspect the plug valve for cracks and dam-
Replacement flow controller valve has
aged threads. Check the operation of the lever to see
been adjusted to assure a flow of 25
gpm when pointer is set to 26 gpm.