TM 5-4610-218-34
c. Installation.
The erdlator agitator shaft bearing
(1) Position and install the erdlator tank in
support must be submerged in water
before attempting to operate the unit.
trical control cabinet.
2-8. Van Body.
a. General. The van body is attached to the
concentrator valves and piping.
truck chassis with capscrews and bolts. Wooden
rails are used as a cushion between the van body
shaft in the bottom of the erdlator tank.
and truck chassis. Lifting ring attachments are pro-
(5) Place the effluent launder in the erdlator
vided to attach the crane sling cables to the van
body. The lifting ring attachments are located at
the outboard front and rear of the two skid rails
(6) Lower the downcomer tube down through
running fore and aft of the under side of the van
the van body roof hatch opening.
washers, and screws that secure the downcomer
tube to the bridge rail assembly.
Be sure the crane used has a capacity
of at least 12 tons.
(9) Lower the agitator shaft assembly down
through the van body roof hatch opening.
b. Removal.
(1) Disconnect and remove all electrical and
reducer mounting plate.
fuel connections between the truck chassis and van
ent launder connecting tube and adjustable support
sling cables.
ent launder.
move the van body off the truck chassis.
c. Installation.
rator manifold assembly.
(2) Lower van body on truck chassis, align
holes with a drift pin.
dlator agitator speed reducer.
Be sure to position the wooden rails
dlator agitator drive shaft.
between the truck chassis and van
the erdlator agitator drive motor.
(2) Refer to
figures 2-17,2-16 and 2-15 and in-
(17) Position and connect all piping and
stall all mounting hardware.
tubing as required.
(3) Position and connect all electrical and fuel
lines as required.
the low water level sensitive switch.