TM 5-6630-215-12
(c) Add a lever dipper full of sulfate indicator powder to the
above sample and allow to dissolve.
(d) Add isporopyl alcohol to the graduated cylinder until it
is full to the 20 ml mark.
Cap and mix.
(e) Add standard barium chloride solution dropwise with mixing
after each drop addition until the color changes from yellow to a dull
red or orange.
Keep count of the number of drops added.
(f) The sulfate content of the water in mg/l is found by mul-
tiplying the number of drops of barium chloride solution by 25.
(3) 0-750 mg/l range. Procedure B - for waters that contain
Rinse the 25 ml graduated cylinder with the water being
tested and fill to the 10 ml mark.
(b) Add 3 drops of bromcresol green indicator solution. Add
hydrochloric acid dropwise until the color changes from blue to
(c) Add level dipper full of Sulfate Indicator Powder to the
above sample and allow to dissolve.
(d) Add Isopropyl Alcohol to the graduated cylinder until it
is full to the 20 ml mark.
Cap and mix.
(e) Add Standard Barium Chloride Solution dropwise and mix
after each drop addition until the color changes from yellow to dull
red or orange.
Keep count of the number of drops added.
(f) The sulfate content of the water in mg/L is found by mul-
tiplying the number of drops of Barium Chloride Solution by 25.
(4) 0-3000 mg/l range - with and without phosphate.
(a) Dilute the sample water by adding 6 ml of test water to
the 25 ml graduated cylinder and filling to the 24 ml mark with
de-ionized water.
Stopper and mix thoroughly.
(b) Pour off 14 ml of the diluted sample so that exactly 10 ml
remains in the graduated cylinder.
(c) For water not containing phosphate, continue as in steps
(b) thru (f) of Procedure A.
For water containing phosphate, continue
as in step (b) of Procedrue B.
(d) The sulfate content of the water in mg/l is found by mul-
tiplying the number of drops of barium chloride solution by 100.