TM 5-6630-215-12
(d) Shake the jars slowly by inverting and returning to the
upright position for 5 minutes.
Keep bottles tightly capped.
(e) Allow the jars to stand undisturbed.
Note the setting rate
of the floc and the clarity of the water above the flocculent layer.
The sample that yields the fastest flock settling rate with clear
water above the flocculent layer, contains the best coagulant concen-
tration to be used for the water being treated.
(f) Each drop of ferric chloride is equivalent to 10 ppm.
(g) If, after 15 minutes, none of the jars have clear water
above the flocculent layer, the test must be repeated.
(h) Repeat step (a).
(i) Repeat step (b), but add 5 drops of ferric chloride solut-
ion to the first jar, 6 drops to the second, 7 drops to the third, and
8 drops to the fourth test jar.
(j) Repeat step (c) thru (e).
(Used for Buys 1 and 2 Only, Fig. 2-23).
The tickets and paper contained in this refill kit are designed to
indicate whether V or G contaminants are present.
V-G contaminants
can affect the central nervous system.
Their presence indicates
pollution by toxic industrial wastes or agricultural pesticide,
herbicide and fungicide residues.
They have somewhat identical,
persistent and nonpersistent, toxicity properties as chemical warfare
If the water is contaminated, then proceed with the proce-
dures for the Water Testing Kit, Chemical Agents, AN-M2 (para 2-24).
(1) Belt of 40 plastic pockets.
(2) Belt of 40 detector tickets.
(3) Book of chemical agent detector, V-G-H paper.
(4) Bottle of trihydroxymethylaminomethane (TRIS) (white lined).
(5) Substrate solution dispenser (red dot on cap).
Procedure for Water Contamination Determination.
(1) Remove detector ticket from plastic package and save package.
(2) Add 1 or 2 drops of suspected water to square end of the
ticket by any convenient means, dropper, stirring rod, twig, etc., or
by dipping the ticket into the water.
Change 1