TM 5-6630-215-12
(3) Chlorine Demand Test.
(a) Fill a canteen with the water specimen to within 1 inch of
the top, add 3 tablets from the white capped vial G, screw on the cap,
and shake vigorously for 5 minutes.
Allow solution to stand for 5
(b) Fill the outer plastic tube, containing reagent X, to the
bottom of the yellow band with water from the canteen.
Add 1 tablet
from the black capped vial (Reagent X),
swirl until it is completely
dissolved and compare the color of the solution with that of the
yellow band on the tube.
(c) A positive test is indicated by no color or color lighter
than the yellow band.
A negative test is indicated by an orange color
or a color darker than the yellow band.
(4) pH Test.
Dip 1 strip of test paper from vial F into the
suspected water.
Remove and compare the resulting color of the test
paper with the color chart on the following page. pH of less than 6
indicates possible contamination.
(5) G Agents (Toxic Insecticides).
Do not perform this test in direct sunlight.
(a) Rinse bottle P 3 times with the water specimen, fill the
bottle to the second mark (25 ml) with the water, and add 1 table from
the dark green capped vial H.
Swirl the solution to dissolve the
If a yellow or green color appears, discard the solution and
test as described in step (g).
If no yellow or green color is formed,
continue as follows:
(b) Rinse one test tube 3 times with the water specimen from
the canteen cup, and fill the test tube 1/2 full with the suspected
water specimen.
Add two tablets from the orange capped vial I to the
test tube and shake to dissolve.
(c) With scoop J add 1 level measure of powder from gray
capped vial J to the test tube and shake for 2 minutes.
(d) Pour the contents of the test tube into the bottle P,
place the plastic cap on the bottle and shake well for 2 minutes.
(e) Break the tip on one of the ampules in carton K, add the
contents to the bottle.
Replace the plastic cap and shake for an
additional 2 minutes.
Add enough water from the canteen cup to bring
the top level of the solution into the neck of the bottle just below
the yellow band and let stand for 5 minutes.