TM 5-6630-215-12
(b) The Ferric Iron Test Kit contains a Comparator, one color
disc (O to 1.0 mg/L range) and other equipment and reagent necessary to
determine the iron content of water.
The accuracy of the test is ±0.1
mg/L at 0.3 mg/L and ±0.3 mg/L at 4.0 mg/L.
The kit contains enough
Ferrover to perform not less than 100 tests in the Range 0-1.0 mg/L.
Additional Ferrover for use in performing not less than 100 tests at
0.3 mg/L range is available in the Preventive Medicine carrying case
Additional Ferrover and an additional color disc are provided
in the Preventive Medicine carrying case top for use in performing
tests in the range 0-10 mg/L.
(2) Ferric Iron Test. Procedure - Low Range 0-10 mg/L
Air bubbles should not be present in either tube
when reading the comparator.
The shelf life of the Ferrover reagent is 24 months.
To test the reagent activity, test a sample that
contains visual rust.
If no color develops, the
reagent has deteriorated.
(a) Fill one of the sample tubes to within 1/16 inch of the top
with a sample water.
Add the contents of one Ferrover Iron Reagent
Powder Pillow to the sample.
Stopper the tube and invert to mix.
Allow the solution to stand 2 minutes.
If iron is present an orange
color will develop.
(b) Place the lengthwise viewing adapter in the comparator
(fig. 2-8).
(c) Place the prepared water sample in the opening nearest the
middle in the back of the comparator.
(d) Fill the other sample tube with clear water, stopper the
and insert the tube in the other opening in the back of the com-
(e) Hold the comparator up to a light source (window, the sky,
or a lamp) and view through the openings in the front of the compara-
Rotate the comparator disc (0 to 1.0 mg/1 range) until a color
match is obtained.
Read the mg/1 iron through the scale window in the
front of the comparator.
(3) Ferric Iron Test Procedure - High Range (O to 10.0 mg/1).
Air bubbles should not be present in either tube
when reading the comparator.
The shelf life of the Ferrover reagent is 24 months.
TO test the reagent activity, test a sample that
contains visual rust.
If no color develops, the
reagent has deteriorated.
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