TM 5-6630-215-12
Dangerous chemicals are provided in these kits.
Death, health hazards or injuries such as severe
impaired vision and internal tissue destruc-
tion may be experienced if personnel fail to ob-
serve precautions.
Do not allow reagents, buffer solutions or acids
to come in contact with skin or eyes.
Do not ingest solutions, tablets, droplets or
spillage from lab ware.
Do not inhale fumes from products or mixing reactions.
Cyanide is extremely poisonous.
Potassium Cyanide
should be stored away from water and acids.
add cyanide after adding potassium hydroxide and
never before.
Many products furnished are highly
some have explosive potential.
Most acids are corrosive.
Keep all bottles and containers capped and sealed
to prevent accidental spillage and to increase
Never pipet chemical reagent solu-
tions or unknown water samples by mouth.
DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING if any of the following chemicals
are ingested:
Alkalinity Titration Reagent (Sulfuric Acid)
Alkaline Potassium Iodide Solution
Spadns Reagent
Hydrochloric Acid
A (Potassium Bisulfate and Copper
Sulfate Pentahydrate)
Reagent D (4(Nitrobenzyl) Pyridine and
Potassium Perchlorate and Urea)
Reagent E
(Potassium Carbonate)
Reagent G (Halazone Tablets)
Reagent H (Dimethoxbenzidine)
Reagent I
(Potassium Carbonate and Sodium
Reagent J (Perdox (Sodium Borate))
Reagent X (Orthotolidine Dihydrochloride)
Substrate Solution (Ligroine and 2, 6 Dichloro
indophenol Acetate)