TM 55-1930-209-14&P-1
Section II. Description and Data
1-7 General. The water purification barge was originally a Nonpropelled Deck Cargo Barge Design 231. This barge was
modified to shelter and transport a mobile drinking water processing plant. Major modifications include installation of two
Reverse Osmosis Water Purification Units (ROWPU's) that filter and desalt seawater. These units were originally
developed for use in a dispersed field operation mode and are modified to fit and operate in the space available on the
barge. A chlorination plant is installed to produce and inject chlorine into the ROWPU processed water to disinfect it.
Four water storage tanks installed in the voids store the disinfected (drinking) water. A flexible hose system, installed, on
the stem weatherdeck transfers the stored drinking water to a shore facility or to another vessel.
Two 155 kW ship service generators (SSG's) provide the electric power needed for ROWPU operation and service
power for barge support systems. Electric power can also be supplied from shore-based electric power service facilities
or from another vessel through an onboard shore power receptacle. A 20 kW ship auxiliary generator (SAG) provides
power when only barge support systems such as dayroom or workshop equipment, normal lighting, the emergency power
and monitoring system, and battery chargers are being operated. When normal electric power service is interrupted, the
emergency battery-powered electric system automatically provides power for emergency lighting, navigation lights, and
The following barge operating and support systems are described in this TM:
Major systems and equipment for production and transfer of drinking water
Seawater and ballast system
ROWPU system
Chlorination system
Drinking water system
Drinking water shore discharge system
Auxiliary systems and equipment
Compressed air system
Fuel oil system
Electrical power system (normal and emergency)
Interior and exterior lights
Equipment Monitoring System (EMS)
Communications systems
Handling equipment, including bridge and bow cranes
Anchoring, mooring, and towing equipment
Deckhouse, voids, and waste disposal system
Ventilation, heating, and air conditioning systems
Workboat, lifesaving, and firefighting equipment