TM 55-1930-209-14&P-1
3-8.3 When normal power is disrupted, the battery bank provides 24 Vdc to an Inverter. The inverter converts the 24 Vdc
power to 120 Vac, which is supplied to the 120 Vac emergency lighting panel. In addition, this battery bank provides
continuous 24 Vdc power directly to a DC power panel.
3-8.4 Components of this system are listed in Table 3-3 A diagram of emergency electrical system operations is shown in
figure 3-17. Equipment specifications, maintenance information and manufacturer's service manuals are contained in
TM 55-1930-209-14&P-9
Table 3-3. Major Components of Emergency Electrical System
24 Vdc battery charger
Keeps battery bank charged
DC-AC standby inverter
Converts 24 Vdc from batteries to 120 Vac
for emergency lighting panel
Battery bank
Provides 24 Vdc to DC power
top forward
panel and to input side of Inverter
24 Vdc power panel
Provides 24 Vdc power for Army radio and
telephone system, foghorn, bilge alarm
module, emergency shutdown system,
and navigation and status lights
120 Vac emergency lighting panel
ROWPU space
Provides power to emergency
forward bulkhead
lights in deckhouse and voids, marine
radio and telephone buzzer system
3-9 Capabilities. This system automatically provides 120 Vac power for emergency lighting in the ROWPU space and
voids and 24 Vdc power for direct current equipment.
3-10 Special limitations. The battery bank, under optimum conditions, provides only 305 ampere hours of electrical
power. This equates to about 5 hours of operating lights and equipment connected to the 120 Vac emergency lighting
panel and/or very limited use of equipment powered from the 24 Vdc power panel.
3-11 Performance characteristics. Battery charger:
AC input
120 Vac
DC output
24 Vdc
3-12 Description of operation.
3-12.1 Normal operations. During normal operating conditions, when electrical power is available from either onboard
generators or shore power, circuit breaker 13P13 on power panel 3 (120 Vac) (Figure 3-5) provides power to the battery
charger. Charger, located in workshop, keeps battery bank on deckhouse top at full charge. Circuit breaker 10P13, using
normal power, provides a holding voltage to one side of inverter to keep Inverter inoperative in normal operating mode.
This circuit breaker also provides 120 Vac to emergency lighting panel. During normal operating conditions, the battery
bank provides 24 Vdc to the other side of inverter. It also provides 24 Vdc to DC power panel for operating army radio,
telephone system, bilge alarm module, emergency shutdown system, and navigation and status lights