TM 55-1930-209-14&P-1
10-11 Operations under unusual conditions
10-11.1 General. Several unusual conditions may occur in small craft operations. Towing another boat or being
towed by another boat are most common.
10-11.2 Being towed by another boat
Discuss towing procedures with operator of the towing boat and establish a communications system, preferably
two-way voice radio, between boats.
If possible, make a towing bridle by using heavy line at least 30 feet long. Fashion a loop in the middle and fasten
each end to one of the forward bitts. Attach bridle to bitts so that it can be quickly and easily disconnected.
Secure towing line to loop in middle of this emergency towing bridle.
Make sure towing bridle and line do not become entangled In propeller of towing
If possible, raise outboard drive to maximum UP position during towing.
Before towing starts, prepare a sea anchor to use as a brake to control forward movement of towed boat.
Keep decks clear in case towing line breaks. Such lines are extremely dangerous
if they break under tow.
Tow at very low speed.
Do not allow towing boat to tow workboat to dock or to barge. Terminate tow away from dock or barge. Final
maneuvering should be done with handlines and/or pushing and nudging boat into position.
10-11.3 Towing another boat
Discuss towing procedures with operator of towed boat and establish a communications system, preferably
two-way voice radio, between boats.
Make a towing bridle by using heavy line at least 30 feet long. Make a loop in the middle and fasten each end to
one of the stem bitts. Attach bridle to bitts so that it can be quickly and easily disconnected. Secure towing line to
loop in middle of this emergency towing bridle.
Make sure towing bridle and line do not become entangled in propeller of towing
Make sure towed boat does not overrun towing boat. Prevent this by using a sea anchor on towed boat or using
a tow-line sufficiently long to allow water friction to stop towed boat before it overruns the towing boat.
Keep decks clear in case towing line breaks. Such lines are extremely dangerous
If they break under tow.
Tow at a very low speed.
Do not try to tow disabled boat to dock Cast off with plenty of maneuvering room. Work disabled boat to dock
with handlines or nudging with workboat pushknees.