TM 55-1930-209-14&P-1
On Barges 2 and 3:
Make sure valve SD4 (Figure 15-8) is in ON position.
Make sure valve SD5 (Figure 15-10) is in OFF position to allow freewheeling of levelwind
hydraulic drive motor.
Make sure that winch control and levelwind control levers are in neutral position.
Make sure disc brake lever is in ON position.
Close (ON) switchboard reel circuit breaker P12 supplying power to hydraulic unit, electrical motor, and
Hydraulic power unit can also be started by pressing START push button on
hydraulic unit remote START/STOP switch located on deckhouse aft bulkhead,
Push green START button on hydraulic power unit control panel located in void 5 (Figure 15-4). If motor
does not start, troubleshoot as given in paragraph 4-10.1 TM 55-1930-209-14&P-6.
If initial startup, check pump rotation as shown on identification plate.
If initial startup, or if system has not been operated for several days:
Barge 1 - Allow pumps to run with winch control and levelwind control levers in neutral position for not
less than 5 minutes. This allows hydraulic oil to circulate at low pressure to remove entrapped air.
Barges 2 and 3 - Allow pumps to run with disc brake control in OFF position and winch and levelwind
controls in neutral position for not less than 5 minutes.
Check for oil leaks and tighten fittings if necessary.
Make sure charge pressure gauge (Barge 1 - Figure 15-5; Barges 2 and 3 - Figure 15-6) on hydraulic
power unit reads 250 psi. This is the minimum pressure needed for proper stroke control and make-up
flow for winch circuit.
Check bias settings for piston pump stroke control. With winch control lever in neutral position on Barge
1 (Figure 15-2) or OFF position on Barge 2 and 3 (Figure 15-3), compare readings between piston pump
low pressure gauge and high pressure gauge on hydraulic power unit (Figure 15-5). These gauges
indicate pressure on two sides of winch circuit. If the two readings differ, bias should be zeroed by
adjusting zero adjustment screen (socket-head screw) on end of stroke control on piston pump. This
ensures that pump is fully destroked when winch hose control lever is in neutral position.
If winch drum is secured, release winch drum tiedown.
15- Deployment of messenger (tow) line
Using workboat, carry end of messenger line to shore and, with enough slack, attach to shore winch.
Deploy line from workboat reel while moving toward barge.
Attach messenger line bitter end to discharge hose pulling head assembly with shackle and shackle pin.
Make sure shackle pin has been secured with wire or cotter pin to prevent loss during deployment to