TM 55-1930-209-14&P-1
ROWPU Barge, Type 231A, Radial Hub
ROWPU Barge. Type 231A, Lateral Slotted
A-2 Painting
TB 43-0144
Painting of Vessels
A-3 Cleaning
Fed Spec P-C-680
Metal Cleaning Solvent for Army Use
Mil Spec MIL-S-8660
Silicone Compound, NATO Code Number S-736
A-4 Rigging
TB 5-725
A-5 Fire protection
TB 5-4200-200-10
Hand Portable Fire Extinguishers Approved by Army Users
A-6 Demolition to Prevent Enemy Use
TM 750-244-3
Procedures for Destruction of Equipment to Prevent Enemy Use
A-7 Maintenance
A 391-65
American Society of Testing and Material Specification
DA PAM 738-750
The Army Maintenance Management System (TAMMS)
Installation, Operation, Maintenance and Repair Instructions with Parts List, Portable Fire
Fighting Service Gasoline Engine Driven Centrifugal Pump PE-250
TM 55-503
Marine Salvage and Hull Repair
TM 5-3835-210-14/9
Operator, Organizational, Direct and General Support Maintenance Manual Winch,
Double Drum Diesel Engine Driven, 40,000 lb capacity CONMACO Model 270
TM 5-6630-215-12
Operator and Organizational Maintenance, Water Quality Analysis/Sets
TM 11-5820-401-10-1
Operator's Manual' Radio Sets AN/VRC Series
TM 11-6130-233-12
Operator's and Organizational Maintenance Manual: Power Supplies PP-2953/U, PP-
2953A/U, PP-2963B/U, and PP-2953C/U (NSN 6130-00-985-7899)