TM 55-1930-209-14&P-12
The following parts lists include the significant mechanical parts and all the electrical parts, except certain common
resistors, contained in the transceiver. The following information will be useful in interpreting data in the parts lists which
is not self-explanatory.
The parts lists in this manual are for the current build of the transceiver, as of the printing date. If a different part was
used in a previous build, details of the parts change are included in the revision table on the back of the applicable
drawing, in the Drawings chapter, enabling you to determine the correct replacement part. (If the new part is the
recommended replacement part for all units, the old part is not listed in the revision table.)
This guide references each electrical part to a corresponding location on the printed circuit board layout drawing. The
P.C. board layout drawing is gridded for easy location. An asterisk (*) indicates the part is not mounted on a printed
circuit board. "VCO" indicates the part is contained in the potted voltage controlled oscillator, which should be ordered as
a complete assembly. "EPV" indicates the part is illustrated in the exploded parts view of the transceiver.
This guide references each mechanical part to a corresponding location on the exploded parts view drawing. The
exploded parts view drawing is gridded for easy location. An asterisk (*) indicates the part is not shown on the exploded
parts view.
To order replacement parts for your transceiver from the factory, contact the SCC Parts Department at (213) 532-5300,
ext. 248, or write to that department at P.O. Box 92151, Los Angeles, California, 90009.
When ordering replacement parts, you must give complete information including reference designator, description, value,
part number and model number the part is for. Failure to provide sufficient information may result in SCC's inability to fill
your parts orders.
Please note that crystals and crystal filters are not stocked by the Parts Department, but instead by the Frequency
Management Department. When ordering crystals/crystal filters, contact Frequency Management at the number listed
above, ext. 251, or write to them at the above address.