TM 55-1930209-14&P-12
4- Indoor speaker monitor replacement
a. Tag and remove speaker line from speaker terminal block.
b. Remove two mounting screws and remove speaker.
c. Install new speaker and tighten mounting screws.
d. Reconnect speaker line to speaker terminal block.
4-18.2.4 Station selector box assembly
4- Telephone paging test - stations 1 thru 12
a With circuit breaker 1 OP1 3A7 at the emergency lighting panel closed (ON), check voltage at inputs to paging
system between points B1 and B2 for 115 Vac (see Figure 4-7) If voltage is not 115 Vac, go to step b. If voltage is
Vac, go to step c.
b. Check voltage at circuit breaker 1 OP1 3A7 output for 115 Vac If voltage Is not 115 Vac, circuit breaker or power
source is at fault. If voltage is 115 Vac, repair or replace power cable from circuit breaker 10P13A7 to buzzer station.
c. With paging switch pressed, see if light illuminates. If light comes on, go to step g. If light does not come on,
check bulb. If bad, replace bulb. If bulb is good, check voltage between points B1 and S1 of switch for 115 Vac. If
voltage is 115 Vac, go to step d. If voltage is not 115 Vac, repair or replace wire from point B2 to switch point S1.
d. Check voltage between points B2 and L1 of lamp for 115 Vac. If voltage is 115 Vac, go to step e. If voltage is not
115 Vac, repair or replace wire from B1 to lamp point L1.
e. With buzzer pushbutton switch (paging switch) pushed, check voltage between points B1 and S2 of switch for 115
Vac If voltage is 115 Vac, go to step f If voltage is not 115 Vac, replace paging switch as given in paragraph 4-18
f. Check voltage between points B1 and L2 of lamp for 115 Vac. If voltage is 115 Vac, replace lamp fixture. If voltage
Make sure paging system is electrically dead before making continuity checks. Redtag circuit breaker 10P13A7
g. Open (OFF) circuit breaker 10P13A7 and check continuity of wire between point S2 of buzzer switch and point X of
station switch. If continuity exists, go to step h. If open circuit exists, repair or replace wire from buzzer switch point S2 to
station switch point X.
h. Starting at station 1 position, check continuity of station selector switch between point X and point 1. If continuity
exists, check continuity of station positions, 2 thru 12. If continuity exists at all station positions, go to step i. If open
circuit exists at any station position, replace station selector switch as given in paragraph 4-
i. Close (ON) circuit breaker 10P13A7 and with paging switch pushed, check voltage at any buzzer station not sounding
or strobe light not lighting Make sure station switch is at the position you are checking. If voltage is 115 Vac, replace
buzzer as given in paragraph 4-19.9 or strobe light as given in paragraph 4-19.8. If voltage is not 115 Vac at the buzzer
or strobe light, check voltage at nearest junction box until faulty wire is localized and replaced.