TM 55-1930-209-14&P-13
Table 3-1. Bow Crane Performance Characteristics and Load Limitations
with Barge on an Even Keel*
Maximum Load
6 ft 7 in.
41,895 lb
8 ft 8 in.
33,075 lb
10 ft 6 in.
27,562 lb
15 ft 3 in.
19,624 1b
19 ft 10 in.
14,773 1b
24 ft 9 in.
11,466 lb
30 ft
8,820 lb
35 ft 7 in.
6,835 lb
41 ft 2 in.
4,630 lb
46 ft 9 in.
2,425 lb
* If barge is rolling 5 degrees or more, these maximum loads are severely
Do not use bow crane for moving workboat or shore winch when barge is rolling 5
degrees or more.
Repair parts and special tools onboard are listed in the Repair Parts and Special Tools List in TM 551930-209-
Items required but not furnished. All required items are furnished.
Tools and test equipment. Use existing tools and equipment onboard. A complete list of tools and test
equipment onboard is in the Tools and Test Equipment List in TM 55-1930-209-14&P-18.
Section II. Description of operation
General. The hydraulically operated bow crane is used to launch and retrieve the barge's workboat and to load
and unload the shore winch. When not in daily use, place bow crane in traveling configuration (Figure 3-1).
Workboat. This workboat weighs 6,590 pounds (wet, w/messenger line reel mount and line) and is
approximately 26 feet long. This length includes an aluminum tubular protective frame around the outboard drive to
protect it from damage. When not in daily use, the workboat is stowed in its cradle on top of the deckhouse. Three strap
winches on each side hold the workboat in its storage cradle. These straps are hooked into three eyes on each side of
the boat just under the rubber bumper. The boat is launched from storage using a three-point suspension harness
attached to specially constructed points on the workboat. The other end of the suspension harness is securely attached
to the bow crane hoisting hook.
After the workboat lifting harness is securely in place on the crane hook, the boat is picked up and lowered into the water
by controlling the crane with its control panel levers (Figure 3-2 for Barge 1 and Figure 3-3 for Barges 2 and 3). Unload
and retrieve workboat on the barge starboard side to preclude swinging the loaded boom over the crane operator