TM 55-1930-209-14&P-14
Check continuity of thermal overload between points C1 and D1, C2 and D2, and C3 and D3. If continuity exists
between all points, go to step 9. If an open circuit exists from any check, replace thermal overload.
Check continuity of wires between points DI and T1, D2 and T2, and D3 and T3. If continuity exists from all
checks, replace motor. If an open circuit exists, repair or replace wire(s).
Check voltage at inputs of AC brake between points U1 and U2 for 440 Vac. If voltage is 440 Vac and magnetic
coil is not releasing, replace magnetic coil. If voltage is not 440 Vac, replace wire(s) to AC brake.
2- Replacement
(1) Make sure anchor winch control panel is electrically dead before replacing control panel by opening (OFF)
switchboard circuit P10 or P11 and power panel 3 circuit breaker 11P13.
(2) Redtag main switchboard circuit breaker P10 or P11 with: WARNING - DO NOT ACTIVATE. REPAIRS
(3) Remove attaching hardware and remove control panel.
Install control panel using attaching hardware.
Connect wiring.
Close (ON) switchboard circuit breaker P10 or P11 and power panel 3 circuit breaker 11P13.
Check that control panel operates normally.
Anchor winch heater test and repair. With circuit breaker 11P13 (11P13 provides power to motor, brake
and panel heaters) at power panel no. 3 closed (ON), check voltage at inputs to heater terminal board across points X1
and X2 for 115 Vac (see Figure 2-10). If voltage is not 115 Vac, go to step (3). If voltage is 115 Vac, go to step c.
Check voltage at terminal box between power panel no. 3-circuit breaker 11P13 and terminal board for 115 Vac.
If voltage is not 115 Vac, go to step b. If voltage is 115 Vac, replace wires from terminal box to heater TB.
Check circuit breaker 11P13 output voltage for 115 Vac. If voltage is not 115 Vac, circuit breaker or power
source is at fault. If voltage is 115 Vac, repair or replace wire(s) from circuit breaker 11P13 to terminal box.
c. Check voltage at inputs to heaters across points Vi and V2, W1 and W2, and Z1 and Z2 for 115 Vac. If voltage
across any pair is not 115 Vac, repair or replace input wire(s) to heater(s). If voltage across all pairs is 115 Vac,
replace faulty heater.
2-19.4 Fairlead maintenance. Maintenance of the fairlead is limited to removal of corrosion, touch up paints according
to TB 43-0144, lubrication as previously stated in paragraph 2-19.2, and replacement of the roller bearings or rollers.