But because the first layer spools onto a bare or non-grooved drum, a "right-lay" wire rope has been supplied with the
original winches. This rope construction tends to provide a tighter, more closely spaced first layer of rope when working
from left to right and with the drum rotation described above.
Gearing of the basic winch is completely enclosed and runs in an extreme pressure 90-weight gear-lube. Seals (H-2N,
D-10) in the 'No. 1 and No. 3 shaft bearing housings minimize contamination of this lubricant by green sea water or
other foreign elements. A removeable access plate in the gear cover makes inspection of the gearing and lubricant quick
and easy.
All basic winch bearings are made of high-strength phosphor bronze. Exterior bearings are grease-lubricated through
stainless steel Alemite fittings; the interior ones by the gear lubricant.
The 4-bolt, flanged housings of the No. 1 and No. 3 shafts, as well as the level-wind diamond shaft, are removeable to
facilitate bearing replacement in the field. These removeable bearing housings also make possible complete on-site
disassembly of the entire winch with relative ease.
Sprockets and roller chain used on this winch are extremely heavy and strong for long, maintenance-free service and
should last the life of your winch. But please-lubricate occasionally and expecially before you start to use the winch.
The 10-HP DRESSER electric gearmotor is a totally-enclosed, fan-cooled type with special insulation and other features
for marine use. It is ready to use as shipped to you except that the breather plug should be installed in the gearhead (this
is attached to the motor along with the instruction tag). Also, please follow lubrication instructions of the manufacturer.
As an added protection against moisture and corrosion, this 10 HP, 440-volts, 3-phase, 60 Hertz motor has an
internally-mounted 120-volt, single-phase space heater that will maintain the temperature 10 to 20 degrees Celsius
above ambient.
Integral with the motor is a STEARNS, 105 lb.-ft., 87,000 Series self-adjusting electric disk brake. Spring-applied and
"normally-on", this solenoid-released brake operates on 440-volts, single-phase and has a 110-volt, 25-watt space heater
to minimize the effect of condensation. In addition, naval brass friction disks have been substituted for the usual fiber
disks to also resist the effects of a salt-water atmosphere.
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