47C 00805 E-11-11
Simplex Strainers
Sizes from 3/8 to 8
Available in iron, Bronze, Stainless,
Carbon Steel
Model No. 72 is the industry standard simplex basket
strainer for industrial use where temporary shutdown for
cleaning is possible.
A few of the reasons for its popularity are, first, the
unusually large basket capacity. The free straining area is
at least 6 times the cross-sectional pipe area (even more
in some sizes) Next, no tools are needed to open the
cover. The quick opening, swinging yoke can be
disassembled and the basket removed in seconds. On
sizes 4" and larger, a special cover clamp is provided to
distribute the seating pressure and to insure positive
seating of the cover. Another feature Is a threaded drain
on each size (fitted with a plug). This can be used as a
backwash connection, if desired. Sizes 2" and larger are
provided with legs for bolting to the floor.
Wall thickness are exceptionally heavy. We have not
stinted on weight to save material costs. The basket seats
are precision machined to give a tight seal and prevent
any material from by-passing the basket. Every strainer Is
hydrostatically tested at 1 1/2 times its maximum rated
pressure. The Hayward No. 72 is a top quality, heavy-duty
unit. There is no better single basket strainer made.
3627 6-10