TM 55-1930-209-14&P-16Table C-1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for Ventilation, Heating andAir Conditioning System (Continued)B - BeforeD - DailyQ - QuarterlyD - DuringW - WeeklyS - SemiannuallyA - AfterM - MonthlyA - AnnuallyPROCEDURESINTERVALCHECK FOR AND HAVEEQUIPMENTITEMITEM TO BEREPAIRED OR ADJUSTEDIS NOT READY/NO.BDADWMQSAINSPECTEDAS NECESSARYAVAILABLE IFHEATINGAND AIRCONDITIONING(HAC) SYSTEMWARNINGMake sure electrical components and cir-cuits are turned OFF before starting anyInspection and/or cleaning. Observesafety precautions specified in this man-ual.a. Make sure that air outlets and ventilatorsAir outlets andare free of obstruction and not damagedventilators aredamaged orobstructedb. Inspect HAC system operating controlsControls notfor damage. Notify shift leader of defi-operablecenciescCheck HAC cooling and heating systemsfor proper operation. Notify shift leaderof deficienciesd. On barge 1 only, check each activatedFuses blownforced air heater for proper operationCheck fuses and replace as necessaryeOn barge 1 only, check that air flow fromactivated forced air heater is unob-structed Clear area around heater of anymaterial which could be a fire or safetyhazardfCheck drain for condensation or leaks.Class Ill leaksNotify shift leader of class III leaksC-7/(C-8 blank)
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