TM 55-1930-209-14&P-16
Items furnished
2-5.1 Components installed as part of the deckhouse ventilation system are listed on parts lists in drawings referenced in
Appendix A and In Components of End Item List In TM 55-1930-209-14&P-20
2-5.2 Common and bulk items onboard are listed In Expendable Supplies and Materials List In TM 55-1930209-14&P-20
2-53 Repair parts and special tools onboard are listed In Repair Parts and Special Tools List in TM 55-1930209-14&P-
Items required but not furnished. All required items are furnished.
Tools and test equipment. Use existing tools and equipment onboard. A complete list of tools and test
equipment onboard is In Tools and Test Equipment List in TM 55-1930-209-14&P-18.
Section II. Operating instructions
Operating controls and Indicators
Circuit breakers controlling power to six deckhouse ventilation fans are on power panel 2 on deckhouse starboard
bulkhead forward of sliding door. Figure 2-3 shows location of circuit breakers for specific fans
Six fans are controlled by electric controllers with ON/OFF toggle switches Raise toggle switches to start fans.
Lower toggle switches to stop fans. Location of controllers is provided in paragraph 2-10.1 and in Figure 2-4.
Prestart procedures
Open ventilation hatches as desired to provide fresh air ventilation There are 10 hatches on port and 7 on
starboard. Secure hatch covers in open position with pins and cotter keys.
Make sure that air ducts are free of obstructions and not severely dented or damaged.
Visually inspect fans and motors to make sure they are not damaged, fan blades have sufficient clearance,
motors and fans are properly secured, and electrical connections are tight. Make sure switchboard circuit
breaker P8 is closed to provide power to power panel 2.
Make sure power panel 2 circuit breakers 1 P8 thru 6P8 are closed to provide power to six roof-mounted exhaust
fan motors. Power panel 2 is on ROWPU space starboard bulkhead forward of sliding door.
2-10 Operating procedures
Increasing ventilation. Push controller ON switches to start ROWPU space ventilating fans Operate fans
(Figure 2-4) as desired to provide ventilation.
Fan controllers on starboard bulkhead are located as follows:
Fan 1 controller is aft of side door.
Fan 3 controller is forward of sliding door.
Fan 5 controller is aft of sliding door
Fan controllers on port bulkhead are located as follows.
Fan 6 controller is aft of side door
Fan 4 controller Is farther aft from side door
Fan 2 controller is near air compressor
Decreasing ventilation. To control circulation, push controller switches to OFF to stop fans as desired.
Close any or all 17 ventilation hatches as necessary