TM 55-1930-209-14&P-16
Table 4-2. Troubleshooting Procedures for HAC System
Possible Cause
Suggested Action
1. AC compressor
a. Improper switch set-
a. Make sure all switch
does not start
settings are correct
b. Thermostat set too
b. Turn right control
on AC controls fully clockwise
c. Five-minute delay
c. Wait 5 minutes
switch activated to
protect unit
d. Low on refrigerant
d. Notify support maintenance
2. AC not cooling
a. Improper switch set-
a. Make sure all switch
settings are correct
b. Dirty air filter
b. Clean or replace filter
c. Loose or broken fan
c. Tighten or replace
fan belt
d. Condenser coils dirty
d. Clean condenser coils
e. Improper valve set-
e. Make sure valves are set
properly for water source
being used
f. Insufficient waterflow
f. Check seawater strainer
from AC water pump
pressure, if drop exceeds
2.0 psi, switch baskets and dean
g. Warm cooling water/
g. Allow AC compressor to
high humidity
3. AC operates
a. Fan belt loose or worn
a. Tighten or replace belt
b. Belt sheaves loose or
b. Align sheaves and tighten
c. Fan blades bent or
c. Clean fan blades; if
vibration can be felt in AC cabinet,
adjust fan blades
4 Compressor
a. Improper switch set-
a. Make sure all switch
short cycles
settings are correct
b. Filter dirty
b. Clean or replace filter
c. Fan belt slipping
c. Tighten fan belt
d High/low pressure
d. Notify support maintenance
switches malfunctioning
5. Heating unit
a. Improper switch set-
a. Make sure all switch
does not operate
settings are correct
b. Filter is dirty
b. Clean filter
c. Fan belt slipping
c. Tighten fan belt
d. Internal fuse(s) blown
d. Replace fuse(s)
e. Safety circuits not
e Notify support maintenance
functioning properly
** On extremely humid days, AC compressor may run for several hours without any significant reduction in
temperature in conditioned area. However, humidity content of air being conditioned will be greatly reduced and
conditioned area will be more comfortable in spite of negligible reduction In temperature