TM 55-1930-209-14&P-19
Section I. General information
1-1 Purpose. This technical manual (TM) describes the Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) for the
Water Purification Barge. Information pertains to all barges. Operation and maintenance information on systems
installed onboard is in TM 55-1930-209-14&P-1 thru P-17 and P-21. TM 55-1930-209-14&P-18 contains appendices
common to all TM's. Location of major barge components is shown in Figure 1-1.
1-2 Scope. Chapters 2-18 describe the PMCS. Each chapter contains PMCS procedures for one of the Reverse
Osmosis Water Purification Unit (ROWPU) barge operating and support systems.
1-3 Maintenance forms and records. For an explanation and examples of the required maintenance forms and
records, see DA PAM-738-750, the Army Maintenance Management System (TAMMS).
1-4 Destruction of Army materiel to prevent enemy use. This shall be as directed in TM 750-244-3.
1-5 PMCS definitions. System definitions used in this TM are as follows: A-ampere, ac-alternating current, amp hr-
ampere-hour, C-centigrade, cm-centimeter, dc-direct current, F-fahrenheit, g-grams, gal-gallons, gph-gallons per hour,
gpm-gallons per minute, HG-hydra gyrum (level of mercury such as used in a pressure gauge), HP-high pressure, Hz-
Hertz, in-inch, kg-kilogram, kVA-kilovolt-ampere, kW-kilowatt, L-liter, lb/ft-pound per foot, mA-milliamperes, mm-
millimeter, N-Newton, NC-National Coarse, Nm-Newton meter, NPT-National Pipe Thread, oz-ounce, pH-hydrogen
power (acidity/alkalinity), ph-phase, POL-petroleum, oil, lubricants, ppm-parts per million, psi-pounds per square inch,
psig-pounds per square inch gauge, pt-pint, qt-quart, rmp-revolutions per minute, V-volts, Vac-Volts alternating current,
Vdc-Volts direct current.
1-6 Maintenance concept
Operator, Organizational, Direct Support and General Support maintenance functions are performed by barge
crewmembers whenever possible. Before, during, and after PMCS is the first step in this process. Periodic
PMCS are the next steps. Maintenance beyond the capability of crewmembers is provided by a shore-based
area support maintenance unit.
PMCS consists of servicing, lubricating, cleaning, adjusting, and correcting deficiencies or malfunctions. No
special tools are required. When performing PMCS, be sure to observe approved shop practices, Warnings, and
Safety Notices. Report all repair/replacement requirements to the shift leader or bargemaster.
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