TM 55-1930-209-14&P-19
Section I. General system information
8-1 Introduction. Chapter 8 contains Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for the Reverse Osmosis Water
Purification Unit Barge Fuel Oil System. Operating and maintenance procedures are described in detail in TM 55-1930-
209-14&P-8. TM 55-1930-209-14&P-8, Appendix C also contains complete Preventive Maintenance Checks and
Services for the Fuel Oil System.
8-2 Major components. The fuel oil system consists of two storage tanks, a day tank, draining tanks, and the workboat
filling station. In addition, it includes the fuel oil transfer pump and pump motor controller, fuel oil filter, fluid level
indicators, switches, gauges, valves, piping, and associated electrical circuitry. Table 8-1 lists the major components of
the fuel oil system, their basic function and location on the barge.
Table 8-1. Major Components of Fuel Oil System
Fuel oil port
Stores 3600 gal of
Void 3 port
storage tank
fuel oil
Fuel oil starboard
Stores 3600 gal of
Void 3 starboard
storage tank
fuel oil
Fuel oil storage
Stores 320 gal of
ROWPU space
day tank
fuel oil
3 fuel oil liquid
Indicate level of
One on each storage
level indicators
fuel in each tank visually
tank and one on day
with high level switch
Fuel oil transfer
Used to transfer fuel oil
Void 3 starboard
from storage tank to day
Fuel oil transfer pump
For starting and stopping
Void 3 starboard
motor controller
fuel oil transfer pump
Fuel oil transfer pump
For starting and stopping
ROWPU space
remote stop switch
fuel oil transfer pump from
starboard bulkhead
ROWPU space
Fuel oil filter
Filters foreign materials
Void 3 starboard
from fuel oil before entering
fuel oil transfer pump
Workboat fuel oil
Fuel nozzle for filling
Deckhouse starboard
filling station
workboat fuel oil tank
side on weatherdeck
forward of sliding door
Fuel oil filling
Fuel oil connection for
Deckhouse starboard
stations (fuel oil
filling storage tanks from
side on weatherdeck
fill connection)
fuel oil source
aft of dayroom door
Fuel oil storage tank
Allows free flow of
Top of deckhouse
vent (air escape valve)
air into fuel oil storage
starboard side-rail
tanks and day tank prevents
vacuum or excessive pressure
For draining fuel oil tanks
One on day tank, one
in void 3 and one in
void 2 on storage
Change 1