TM 55-1930-209-14&P-19Table 9-3. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services for Electrical Power Systems(Continued)B - BeforeD - DuringA - AfterH - Hourly IntervalINTERVALITEMPROCEDURESEQUIPMENTITEMTO BECHECK FOR AND HAVEIS NOT READY/NO.INSPECTEDREPAIRED OR ADJUSTEDAVAILABLE IFB D AHAS NECESSARY250 hrsb. If engine runs cooler or warmer than nor-mal or engine coolant temperature fluctu-ates, check thermostat. Perform thefollowing:1) Remove water connection betweenheader tank and exhaust manifold byloosening both hose clips and slidinghose toward exhaust manifold.2) Remove two setscrews holding waterpipe to header tank.3) Remove setscrews holding top coveron thermostat housing. Removecover and lift out thermostat.4) Place thermostat in container of waterand gradually heat. With an accuratethermometer, check water tempera-ture at frequent intervals. Valveshould start to open at temperaturestamped on top face of thermostatnext to valve seat.5) If thermostat test shows it is openingand closing at designated tempera-ture, reinstall in housing in reverseorder of removal.6) If thermostat does not open and closeat designated temperature, install newthermostat in reverse order ofremoval.9125 hrs Air Intake FilterNOTEEvery 125 hours of operation or every 3months (whichever comes first).a. Clean air intake filter.1) Redtag auxiliary generator switch-board control panel indicating,"WARNING-DO NOT ACTIVATE.REPAIRS BEING MADE."2) Remove air cleaner cover and filterelement.9-32
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