TM 55-1930-209-14&P-2
Section I. General Information
1-1 Purpose. This Technical Manual (TM) describes operation and maintenance of the seawater system installed
onboard Water Purification Barges. Information on other onboard systems is in TM 55-1930-209-14 & P-1, and P-3 thru
P-17. TM 55-1930-209-14 & P-18 contains appendices common to all TM's. Location of major barge components is
shown in Figure 1-2.
1-2 Scope. The seawater system supplies seawater to the Reverse Osmosis Water Purification Units (ROWPU's) for
processing, to the air conditioning unit for cooling, to the ballast tank for barge trimming, to the chlorination unit for priming
and cooling, and to the diesel generators for cooling.
1-3 Warranties and guarantees. Warranty and guarantee information is in Chapter 7.
1-4 Maintenance forms and records. Required maintenance forms and records are explained in DA PAM 738-750,
The Army Maintenance Management System (TAMMS).
1-5 Destruction of Army materiel to prevent enemy use. This shall be as directed in TM 750-244-3.
1-6 Storage. For storage procedures concerning this system, refer to Chapter 5.
Section II. Description and data
1-7 Description
1-7.1 ROWPU and ballast seawater supply. This installation (Figure 1-3) consists of a forward seachest, two seawater
strainers with pressure gauges, two seawater filters, two seawater pumps, ballast tank and associated piping, valves, and
electrical circuitry. This arrangement supplies seawater to the ROWPU's, to the ballast system, and to the chlorination
unit. Information about major components is listed in Table 1-1. A block diagram is shown in Figure 1-4. Onboard
installation and electrical hookup are shown in drawings listed in Appendix A.
1-7.2 Air conditioner cooling seawater and chlorination unit seawater supply. This installation (Figure 1-5) consists
of a seawater strainer with gauges, seawater filter, pressure regulator with gauge, cooling pump and associated piping,
valves, and electrical circuitry. When seawater pumps are not operating, this arrangement can supply seawater to the air
conditioning unit for cooling and to the chlorination unit for cooling and producing chlorine. Information about major
components is listed in Table 1-2. A block diagram is shown in Figure 1-1. Onboard installation and electrical hookup are
shown on drawings listed in Appendix A.
1-7.3 Diesel engine generator cooling seawater. This installation (Figure 1-6) consists of an aft seachest, a seawater
strainer, temperature gauges on each generator set, associated piping, valves, and electrical circuitry. This arrangement
supplies cooling seawater to diesel engine generator sets. Information about major components is in Table 1-3. A block
diagram is shown in Figure 1-7 for Barge 1 and in Figure 1-8 for Barges 2 and 3. Onboard installation is shown on
drawings listed in Appendix A.