TM 55-1930-209-14&P-2
6-1 General. The manufacturers' service manuals/instructions listed below provide additional information on components
of the seawater system A copy of each manual/set of instructions is contained in Appendix B. It may be necessary to
refer to both these manuals/instructions and to drawings listed in Appendix A while performing the procedures in this TM.
Document title
Seawater pump
Repair instructions for
size 2x4x9
Turbocraft Single Stage
6338 Lindnar Drive
Centrifugal Pumps
Goleta, CA 9301
Duplex Strainer Series No 50
Hayward Duplex Strainers
Hayward Industrial
Model 50
Products Inc.
900 Fairmont Ave.
Elizabeth, NJ 07207
(201) 351- 5400
Cooling pump, series
Aurora Pumps Instruction
Aurora Pump
321, M1X1-1/2X6
Manual, Model 321
800 Airport Road
North Aurora, IL 60542
(312) 859-7600
Lakos separator
L-FD Industrial Service
Claude Laval Corp.
1911 N Helm
Fresno, CA 93703
(209) 255-1601
Tank air escape valve type
Tank Air Escape Valves,
Robert H Wager Co, Inc.
1600T and 1600W
Model 1600
Passaic Avenue
Chatham, NJ 07928
(201) 635-9200
Sure site day tank
Gems Liquid Level Indicators
Transamerica DeLaval Inc.
liquid level indicator
Gems Sensors Division
part no. 86210, type 2
Cowles Road
Plainsville, CT 06062
Ph: (203) 677-1311
Storage tank liquid level
Gems Liquid Level Indicators
indicator part no. 86615,
Dwg no. 87707, flag position
Type C, w/ ROLI 4-10ma
Cooling pump motor
See Square D Class 8538
Combination Starter Catalog in
TM 55-1930-209-14 & P-9
Storage tank level sensor
Drawing No. 23285 Rev. A,
Tracor Marcon, Inc.
Sensor Specifications; General,
13433 NE 20th Street
Gems Tank Level Sensor
Bellevue, WA 98005
Ph: (206) 643-0912
6-1/(6-2 blank)