TM 55-1930-209-14&P-21
d. Inspect bearings and lube lines for evidence of excessive wear or damage. Replace unsatisfactory bearings and
lube lines.
e. Inspect remaining metal parts for chips, scoring and other damage. Pay particular attention to any scoring of
pressure plate. Light scoring should be smoothed out with a fine grade of emery cloth. Replace a pressure plate that
cannot be easily resurfaced.
f. Inspect remaining metal parts for excessive wear or damage and replace as necessary.
g. Inspect clutch operating shaft and bushings for excessive wear and scoring. Replace bushings if worn
5-86 Clutch assembly reassembly
a. Reassemble clutch in reverse sequence of removal procedure.
b. Use new seals during reassembly and use care not to damage seal during mating.
c. Lubricate clutch assembly through grease fittings to insure there are no blockages in lube lines and fittings.
d. Actuate clutch operating shaft, by temporarily attaching handle, and insure proper clutch action. Preliminary
clutch adjustment may be made at this time.
e. If no discrepancies are noted, install clutch assembly on torque converter and engine flywheel.
f. Install torque converter on winch.
Section XX. Winch Drive Shaft and Drum Assemblies Repair Instructions
5-87 Heavy components
a. General
(1) Maintenance of winch components will normally require use of a suitable lifting device. Utilization of a
standard electric shop hoist with both lateral and vertical movement and high and low speed controls is recommended.
Do not attempt to remove winch drums with a hoist of less than 2000 lb capacity. If the drum jams
during removal it could cause lifting device failure and winch damage. Due to the slant of the
winch frame and the weight of the drums, personal injury is probable if a drum is dropped.