TM 55-1930-209-14&P-21
(8) Timing Blower Rotors.
(a) After blower rotors and timing gears have been installed, rotors must be timed. When properly
positioned, blower rotors run with a slight clearance between two rotor lobes and between lobes and housing wall.
(b) Clearance between rotor lobes may be established by moving one helical gear in or out on shaft
relative to other gear by adding or removing shims between gear hub and rotor spacers.
d. Installation
(1) Affix a new blower to block gasket to cylinder block with a rubber base sealer.
(2) Install a new drive shaft cover seal and seal clamp over end of drive shaft cover.
(3) Place water pump outlet packing flange, flat face toward pump body, and slide a new packing ring over
pump outlet. Then, place a new water pump cover seal and clamp on top of oil cooler housing outlet opening.
(4) Place blower assembly into position against cylinder block, being careful not to dislodge blower gasket.
(5) Install eight blower to cylinder block bolts and plain washers, and tighten bolts to 55-60 Ib-ft torque.
(6) Slide blower drive shaft cover seal into position against blower drive gear hub support and tighten seal
(7) Install blower drive shaft by pushing plain end, without squared hole, of shaft through blower drive
coupling from rear of engine, then into blower drive gear hub. If necessary, rotate blower rotors slightly to align splines of
drive shaft with those in gear hub. Then, install lockring in blower drive cam.
(8) Install flywheel housing small hole cover.
(9) Connect water pump outlet packing flange to cylinder block. Also, tighten seal clamp connecting water
pump cover to oil cooler housing.
(10) Place blower air shutdown housing, together with striker plate gasket, striker plate (if used), and screen
and gasket assembly against blower, screen side of gasket assembly toward blower, and secure them in place with bolts
and lockwashers. Tighten bolts to 16-20 Ib-ft torque.
(11) If engine is equipped with a manual shutdown assembly, connect control wire to air shutdown valve
shaft lever and attach control wire clip under head of the air inlet housing attaching bolt.
(12) Install governor (para 6-9).
(13) Install breathers.
(14) Service engine cooling system.