TM 55-1930-209-14&P-21
Attach an air line to water hole cover plate and apply 40 psi air pressure. Observe water for bubbles
which indicate cracks or leaks. Replace a cracked cylinder block.
Remove block from water tank. Remove plates, seals and gaskets.
Remove cylinder liners from block. Dry them with compressed air and coat them with oil to prevent
Make sure all cylinder liner counterbores in block are clean and free from dirt. Then, refer to Table 1-1 and
measure counterbores. Counterbored surfaces must be smooth and square with cylinder bore within 0. 001 inch total
indicator reading.
Inspect all machined surfaces and threaded holes in block for damaged threads. Remove nicks and burrs
from machined surfaces with a fine stone. Clean up damaged threads in tapped holes with a tap or install threaded
Replace loose or damaged dowels.
Check surface of rear endplate for nicks, dents, scratches or score marks. Remove all nicks, dents or
scratches with a fine stone.
Check endplate for flatness.
Replace all defective parts.
Discard and replace all gaskets and seals.
Cylinder block and endplates reassembly and installation
Apply thin coat of non-hardening gasket cement to both sides of endplate gaskets (Figure 6-33).
Use a good grade of sealing compound on threads of all plugs before installation.
Install gaskets and plugs.
Install all interior sub-assemblies.
Install endplates.
Remove engine from overhaul stand with suitable hoist.
Install torque converter assembly.
Install cooling system.
Install electrical system, starting motor, air compressor, etc.
Install throttle controls and exhaust system.
Install blower.
Install air cleaner.
Recharge cooling system and lubricating system.
Install engine assembly.